
cross breed n. 雜交;雜種。2.vt. ,vi.短語和例子(p.,...

cross bun

It is a modern comprehensive hogpen that can put out 5000 - ton feedstuff and 12000 pigs , and it is a sample pig - feeding factory in henan food company . the company employs the techniques of “ pregnant pig in fence , mother pig in lactation put into nest , baby pig put into net “ and cross breed mode of duroc ox changba ox about gram 0 , breeds baby pig and feeds them by they own ability . the hogpen is managed in a close condition and production streamline with good and reasonable structure 邦杰黃牛示范養殖場是河南邦杰食品股份有限公司經國家發改委批準的十萬頭肉牛屠宰配套項目之一,項目完全建成后,將形成肉牛繁育肉牛育肥飼料加工和有機肥加工一個有機整體,與公司的肉牛屠宰深加工產業相配套,使企業形成從養殖到屠宰加工銷售服務一條封閉式產業鏈,可帶動農戶2萬多戶,增加就業崗位9000多個,對周口農區的農業結構調整,促進畜牧發展和帶動農民快速致富奔小康將發揮巨大的推動作用。

Gene engineering technology is more superior than the cross breeding and directive breeding technology with its short cycle , low cost and high benefit . though traditional breeding technology has been used for a long time . now the direct reports for the changes of the flower color by the chi ( chalcone isomerase ) gene are a few what we known . 關于花色結構基因查爾酮異構酶chi ( chalconeisomerase )基因對花色改變的直接報道很少,因此,本論文選用了chi基因為目的基因,以純深紅色和純白色矮牽牛( petuniahybidavilm . )為材料,研究了chi基因的共抑制和反義抑制以及表達產物增加對花色改良的作用,并在花色改變植株中首次觀察到花器官變異。

This paper summarized the inheritance and variation of main biological and economic characters in rape progeny from hybridization and distant crossing , inquired into the selective mating of hybrid parent and the selection of hybrid progeny , analyzed the problems which had existed in rape distant crossing breeding , and put forward some ideas for accelerating the stability of characters in distant crossing progeny 概述了油菜品種間雜交后代及遠緣雜交后代主要生物學性狀和經濟性狀的遺傳變異現象;對雜交親本的選配及雜種后代的選擇進行了探討,分析了油菜遠緣雜交育種中存在的問題,就加速遠緣雜種后代的穩定提出了一些見解。

The new types formed through cross breeding can combine the fine qualities and forms of two or more than two parents and become new biological types of higher productivity which are also more resistant to unfavourable conditions 通過雜交形成的新種(或品種) ,可以把兩個或兩個以上親本的優良性狀結合起來,成為一個具有更高生產性能和更能抵抗不良環境的新的生物類型。

They make an ideal crossing breed . put to a white breed , the offspring will be white with the advantage of hybrid vigour 格洛斯特郡斑點豬是理想的雜交豬種。它與白種豬雜交,其后代將會是白色的,雜交優勢明顯。

Artificial cross breeding is the method of creating new biological types 人工雜交是人工創造生物新類型的一種方法。

A preliminary research on cross breeding between lily cultivars 百合品種間雜交的初步研究

Study on cross breeding of monospore for agaricus biporus 雙孢蘑菇單孢子雜交育種研究